Cleever – Monetise Your Checkout Cleever – Monetise Your Checkout

Cleever – Monetise Your Checkout

Created by: Cleever

Downloaded: 4k times

Cleever allows any online e-commerce to monetise their website for free, while offering funded incentives to your cusotmers.

This free plugin provides 2 main features:

Funded Incentives – Our incentives, valued up to £15, are tailored to encourage repeat visits to your website. By offering these attractive rewards, you’ll turn one-time buyers into loyal, returning customers, boosting your long-term engagement and growth.

New Revenue Stream – Cleever will pay you to show and offer the incentives to your customers, not only will the customer pay less, you will also increase your margin per order.

Cleever can be installed in a few clicks. No coding required. in less than 5 minutes.

What will Cleever Do for you?

  1. Boost Margin: For any order where an incentive get’s displayed, Cleever will increase your margin by paying you a net commission
  2. Increase Conversion: Thanks to the offers and discounts more customers will check out, and the disocunts won’t eat into your margin.
  3. Increase Repeat Business: Our offers are designed to drive traffic back to your website, by offering discounts that Cleever pays for.
  4. Bigger Carts: Getting a discount on their current or next order means customers are will add more to their cart, increasing thier basket value.
  5. Easy integration: Getting started with Cleever is easy for all WooCommerce stores. Live in 5 minutes.

Why will your shoppers love Cleever?

  1. More Discounts: Any shopper that takes a discount, will gain access to one of our services offering daily discounts and offers.
  2. More Items: With Cleever’s discounts your customers will buy more items, as they select the discounts we fund for them.

How do I get Started?
It only takes 5 minutes, to increase boost your margin and sales.
Follow these Steps:

Sign-up to Cleever
1. Go to
2. Enter your details, and follow the steps

Install the Cleever WooCommerce extension
1. Connect to your WordPress account
2. On the side bar, click on “Plugins”-“Add new”
3. In the search bar, type Cleever
4. Once you found Cleever, click on “Install now”
5. When the plugin is installed, click on “Activate”
6. In your WordPress Plugins > Installed Plugins > Cleever for WooCommerce settings, indicate your Cleever credentials. You can get your credentials by logging into on your Cleever merchant dashboard (
7. In Plugins > Installed Plugins > Cleever for WooCommerce settings, check that Cleever is enabled, choose your payment settings and save changes
8. You are live!


  • Cleever secure payment appears as any other payment method on your website. The payment form is integrated to checkout page to increase conversion.
  • Cleever secure payment with discount enables shoppers to directly benefit from a discount, funded by Cleever!!!
  • Access all your payments and payouts through a user firendly dashboard highlighting all the extra earnings made thanks to our payment solution.
  • Our secured payment solution is powered by Stripe (official partner), and supports all major card brands including American Express.


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