Display MailChimp

Created by: Magda Sicknick

Downloaded: 645 times

This plugin can be used by placing the [display-mailchimp] shortcode in a post or page.

A required parameter is an api key from MailChimp. Instructions how to create your api key are here

Other parameters than can be used are:

  • campaign_id: if set, pulls details about a campaign
  • offset: number of campaigns to offset the search (default: 0)
  • count: number of campaigns to show (default: 10)
  • sort_field: soft files by specific field (default: send_time; possible: create_time, send_time)
  • list_id: the unique id for the list
  • status: status of the campaign (default: sent; possible: save, paused, schedule, sending, sent)
  • layout: a way to integrate the shortcode to display items matched with the current wordpress theme (default: list)
  • paged: whether or not to show pagnation (default: true)



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