Display Site Numbers Display Site Numbers

Display Site Numbers

Created by: Fabio Marzocca

Downloaded: 2k times


The widget will show (and automatically update) the following site-content counters:

  • Categories count
  • Posts count
  • Pages count
  • Images count
  • Tags count
  • Comments count
  • Authors count

In the admin backend, user can select what counter(s) to display.


Add this shortcode in your page/post:


to show all the 6 counters. If you want to specify what counter(s) to show, use this syntax;

[DSN-list show="Categories, Comments, Posts]

Valid terms in the list are: Categories, Comments, Posts, Pages, Authors, Images, Tags.

If you like the plugin, feel free to rate it (on the right side of this page) or donate via PayPal. Thanks a lot! 🙂


  • The admin backend
  • The widget frontend
  • Another view of the frontend, with a different style
  • A view of the shortcode output in a post/page.


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