Distributor – Remote Quickedit

Created by: Carsten Bach

Downloaded: 385 times

Re-enable quickedit for distributed posts on the receiving site within a multisite network. This allows you to make changes to the original post from the remote site. This is a small add-on for the glorious Distributor plugin by 10up.

This Add-on is maintained at and deployed from carstingaxion/distributor-remote-quickedit on github.


  • Use native WordPress quickedit on the receiving side of a distributed post to make minor changes, which is disabled by the Distributor-plugin by default.


This plugin is an add-on for & requires:

  • Distributor (Website|GitHub) (only tested up to version 1.9.1, maybe not yet ready for the new 2.0.x)


This plugin does nothing by default.

Being able to modify posts, that were syndicated from a remote source, is a risky thing. To prevent any unwanted side-effects you have to pro-actively enable this plugin by code.

In order to re-enable the quick-edit functionality for a particular post_type you need to call add_post_type_support() for a support-feature called distributor-remote-quickedit. Do this for every desired post_type before this plugin loads.

With a post_type of book, you could do it like so:

add_action( 'admin_init', function () {
    add_post_type_support( 'book', 'distributor-remote-quickedit' );
}, 9 );

It’s important to declare your post_type_supports before the plugin is executed on admin_init with a default priority of 10!



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