DivUp Content DivUp Content

DivUp Content

Created by: Sebastian Web Design

Downloaded: 17k times

NOTE: This plugin was originally created to solve the issue of splitting classic editor content into divs, using shortcodes. On Sept 27th, 2022, I tested to see how this plugin works with Gutenberg and it actually still works fine (because the divs are rendered AFTER Gutenberg does it’s thing). But it’s worth mentioning that there is a Group block in Gutenberg that serves the same purpose, and might be more intuitive than working with shortcodes for some users. That said, if you’ve disabled Gutenberg in favour of the classic editor, this plugin is still useful. And although I’m not adding new features, I will fix any bugs people report.

Now on to how it actually works:

Separate your WordPress post or page content into divs with (optional) custom CSS classes and ids. Adding the shortcode [divup] in between some content will split the content into 2 separate divs.

You can enter as many [divup] shortcodes to a post or page as you like. Great for creating columns of content for magazine style websites while keeping shortcode markup to an absolute minimum. DivUp Content never uses inline styles, but it does automatically give divs fiendishly clever classes like first, last, div-1, div-2, div-3, and div-odd, div-even, mul-3, mul-4 (multiple of 1,2,3,4 etc). You can then create your own style rules for the divs in style.css or with Microthemer (a visual design CSS plugin for customizing WordPress sites).

3 Column Example CSS

The CSS for a 3 column layout could be:

.divup-wrap {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);

6 Column Example CSS

For a 6 column layout (with gaps), you would just change the CSS to:

.divup-wrap {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(6, 1fr);
gap: 2rem;

For more complex grid layouts with content spanning different numbers of columns and rows, you may find Microthemer‘s visual controls for generating the CSS grid rules quite handy. Just select the .divup-wrap element when editing with Microthemer, and then position the grid items however you like using drag and drop.

Features added

Added support for adding custom HTML attributes to divs/spans. Use [startwrap custom=’title: read this’] or [divup custom=”data-src:image.jpg”] (the custom attribute can be applied to both [startwrap] and [divup] shortcodes.
You can also do[startwrap custom=’title: read this|required:some value’] (seperate with a | pipe character for multiple)
When using [divup], two divs will be created. To apply custom attributes to the first and second divs use a comma e.g.[divup custom=”data-src:image1.jpg, data-src:image2.jpg”]

Added support for span elements. Use [startwrap type=’span’].
Added support for no superfluous child elements. Use [startwrap parent=0] or [startwrap parent=’false’].

NEW: You can also add multiple [startwrap] and [endwrap] shortcodes to control how the divs are wrapped in a wrapper div. This overrides the original auto-wrapper functionality if you choose to use it.**

The best way to understand how DivUp Content works (including the advanced aspects) is to **copy and paste the ONE of the following dummy content examples below into a post or page and then inspect the html with your browser (Right-click > Inpsect) ** – paying attention to the CSS classes it automatically applies to the divs.

Dummy Content 1

Some content on this page. Some content on this page. Some content on this page. Some content on this page. Some content on this page. Some content on this page. Some content on this page.

[divup id=’id-a, id-b’ class=’class-a, class-b class-b2′]

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[divup class=’my-class diff ‘]

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[divup id=’my-id’ class=’diff my-class2′]

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[divup class=’diff’]

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Dummy Content 2

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[startwrap class=”my-wrap-class another-wrap-class”]

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[divup id=’id-a, id-b’ class=’class-a, class-b class-b2′]

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[startwrap id=”my-wrap-id” class=”hello-wrap”]

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[divup class=’my-class diff ‘]

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[divup id=’my-id’ class=’diff my-class2′]

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[divup class=’diff’]

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  • This is an example of how you could use the [divup] shorcode in your markup (note: the custom classes and ids aren't necessary for creating the following grid layouts, they're just there to show you that you can add custom classes and ids if you want to).
  • Given the markup example in the previous screenshot, this is how DivUp Content would wrap your content in divs with automatic and custom classes and ids.


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