Tabellen von Tabellen von

Tabellen von

Created by: Dr. Oliver Merk

Downloaded: 1k times

This small plug-in enables an easy integration of dynamically updated tables from into every page, post and widget. It offers many design and configuration possibilities, like a custom table header (including external contest data and link to contest), show/hide table headers, custom contest column headers, breadcrump navigation from, highlight the table row with your own team, marking of the rows of promoted and relagated teams, as well as to show/hide the column with the balls.

To not block your homepage when does not respond timely, a configurable timeout (default 1s) can be set. This plugin also enables the usage of shortcodes in HTML Widgets (disabled in standard WordPress). Finally you can search all pages for the [faustball] shortcode, so you can easily identify the pages, where a rework on the [faustball] shortcode settings might need to be done.

To reduce load on this plugin uses a local table cache with configurable TTL. Only when the TLL has expired new data is requested from Additionally requests from crawlers, bots and spiders are detected and only data from the cache is then sent. The cached data can be deleted, if necessary.

Usage is very easy:

The shortcode

[faustball contest=<contest>]

is basically all it takes!

The attribute “contest” is mandatory and describes the competition from which the table should be displayed. To find out the number, go to the desired competition page on and copy the number from the URL. This is the same number as the ID in Dirk Haase’s instructions.
Example: In the field season 2018 in men’s “Bundesliga Süd”, the table is located in this contest link:
This means that contest = 257 must be entered in the shortcode:

[faustball contest=257]

This is the simplest form of use.

Other optional attributes

ownteam='<ownteam>' [string/1/0]

If this attribute is set, the corresponding table line is provided with the CSS class “fb_ownteam”, if the transfered name matches (substring is sufficient) a team name in the table.
This line can be highlighted using the appropriate CSS markup.
If this attribute is set to “1”, the ownteam string that is defined in the plugin settings is used.
If this attribute is not used or set to “0”, no CSS class “fb_ownteam” is added.

balls='<balls>' [0/1]

The “balls” column can be hidden using this attribute. For this purpose, the column is provided with the CSS class “display-none”. A definition of the CSS class “display-none” with “display: none;” in the stylesheet is of course also necessary.
The advantage is that with this additional, optional CSS markup in the table code, it is possible to display a table once without balls (e.g. in a widget on the side), but the same table with the balls on a team page.
If the attribute is not used, the balls are displayed.

header='<header>' [0/1]

With this attribute the display of the first header row can be controlled.
If this attribute is not used, the first header row is shown. See also attribute ‘ownheader’ for formating capabilities.

ownheader='<ownheader>' [string]

This attribute enables to compose the first header row with custom text and data from the contest.
If this attrubute is not used or is empty, the format string from the settings page is used (Default: ‘%A%: %N% %R%’).

%A% = Association
%N% = Name of contest
%R% = Region
%C% = Category
%G% = Gender
%O% = String from ownteam attribute (empty, if ownteam attribute is not defined)
%L% = Link header to contest (position in attribute is not relevant)

* “My Team 1 – %N%”
* “%L%My Team 1 – %N%”
* “%O% – %N% %L%”

breadcrump='<breadcrump>' [0/1]

Shows the breadcrump navigation from in a second table header row.
If the attribute is not used, the navigation row is not shown.

contestlink='<contestlink>' [0/1]

Controls the display of the table footer area with the link to the contest and info about cached data.
If the attribute is not used, the area is shown.

The shortcode can then look like this:

[faustball contest=257 ownteam="TV SW-Oberndorf" ownheader="%O% - %C%, %N%" balls=0 contestlink=0]

See Screenshots for a view of this shortcode.

Plugin settings

The whole Plugin is very configurable. See help section of the plugin settings page.
* You can predefine your match string, that will be used for [faustball] shortcodes, that have the attribute ownteam=’1′.
* The ownteam string search strategy can be selected (wildcard/exact match)
* The table header can be predefined, that will be used for every [faustball] shortcode, unless you define something different directly in the shortcode.
* Every column heading can be defined (also with empty string).
* Set the timeout after which the plugin cancels the query of a table (default: 1s).
* Set the time range how long cached data is valid until fresh data is requested from (default: 900s).
* Activate the usage of shortcodes in HTML Widgets (default: true).

Plugin Homepage


  • Sample output for shortcode [faustball contest=257 ownteam="Oberndorf"]
  • Settings screen


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