Multi Days Events and Multi Events in One Day Calendar Multi Days Events and Multi Events in One Day Calendar

Multi Days Events and Multi Events in One Day Calendar

Created by: Ming's IT Services Ltd.

Downloaded: 1k times

Every company needs a calendar on the WordPress website. This plugin shows a calendar to website visitors. This plugin is very easy to use. In WordPress admin page, what you see is what website visitors will see. Of course, website visitors can only see your schedule. They can not change your schedule. Database is MySQL.

By default, when you activate this plugin, it will automatically create a calendar landing page for you. You do not need to copy the template-calendarfree.php file to this folder: wordpress\wp-content\themes\twentytwenty\templates if you are using the twentytwenty theme. For some themes, if it does not automatically create a calendar landing page for you, you still need to add this plugin root folder template-calendarfree.php file to your template folder.

To create a landing page, add this plugin root folder template-calendarfreexxxx.php files to your template folder. For example, if you are using theme twentytwenty, then add the template-calendarfreexxxx.php files to this folder: wordpress\wp-content\themes\twentytwenty\templates. Then you can create a new page (not a new post) using these templates.

When you use the template method to create a new landing page, do not set the page title to “calendar”. If you set the page title to “calendar”, it could conflict with the page automatically created when you activate this plugin.

You can use shortcode [showcalendar] to add this calendar into your web pages. Plus, you can also use the shortcode [showcalendar] in some page builders such as Elementor.

Documentation file is in the root folder with the name documentation_dragoncalendarfree.pdf. Please follow the instructions in the file to install this plugin.

If you want to add some text above or below the calendar on the landing page, you can just manually add it with HTML tags into template-calendarfree.php and/or template-calendarfreexxx.php files in the plugin root folder.

Donate URL link:

demo website:

admin page:

Log in WordPress admin page using





Then, go to

to set up the admin page.

Now we have provided 12 templates for you to use in 12 different scenarios. You can add this calendar as an iframe into another page. Please see the root folder file documentation_dragoncalendarfree.docx for details.

There is an advanced version on sale here:
Every event can belong to a group. Each group is shown in different color.



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