DSmirror DSmirror


Created by: Tecknolab

Downloaded: 379 times

DSmirror is a simple and efficient data replication solution. It enables database tables replication to (inbound) or from (outbound) WP,
synchronizing with and external DB. This plugin embeds client replication functionality with no additional requirements at WordPress site.
An external DSmirror agent must be launched with connectivity to your external database;
however, this agent does not require direct connectivity with your WP database or even your WP site.

Key benefits:

  1. Data can be easily loaded and synced in WordPress DB from an external database, enabling multiple use cases in combination with other plugins (custom reporting, forms, dynamic data validation,…)
  2. The opposite is also possible. WordPress data tables can be replicated to an external database, for data protection, monitoring, support or triggering any additional business process.
  3. Your external database can be anywhere. No direct connectivity with your WP environment or DB is required.
  4. Data is efficiently replicated with a sophisticated change tracking algorithm.
  5. Data is securely replicated with encrypted https based connections.
  6. Very simple setup. Just register for an appId and key at DSmirror, run the agent as a Docker container as described in DSmirror setup connect it to your external DB, setup the plugin and is done.


  • Find the DSmirror menu in Tools section once activated


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