Dynamic Blocks – testimonial gutenberg block, client logo gutenberg block

Created by: GutenbergLab.com

Downloaded: 344 times

“Dynamic Blocks” let’s you add testimonials and clientlogos dynamically to your wordpress pages using CPT only. No need to add any ACF fields or Meta Fields. These blocks use Gutenberg data to display the testimonials and client logos.

I started developing this plugin for myself. I wanted an easy way to add client logo and testimonials to my wordPress website without depending on ACF fields or meta fields. The result is blocks that are not dependent on theme, ACF or meta fields. I am sure there are many developers like me who would like to do the same.

The blocks can be over-ridden with your own css to match your designs.

Give this plugin a try and let me know if you have any suggestions/comments.

If you like the plugin, please leave a review. I would really appreciate it.

Pro version

Coming soon. Upcoming Blocks in pro version:

Knowlege base
Property listing
Event listing
Course listing
and more

If you are looking for custom development, you can reach us at: Contact us page


  • WordPress >= 5.0
  • PHP >= 5.6

Support and Bug report

Please contact our team at support@gutenberglab.com if you run into issues or discover any bugs.



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