This plugins allows you to keep the Copyright year of the website always updated by getting the current year and storing it in the shortcode [current_year].

There are three variations of this plugin’s shortcode

[current_year] – This shortcode displays the current year. Assuming that the current year is 2015 then the shortcode will display “2015” (without quotes) wherever it is used.

[current_year_with_copyright_symbol] – This shortcode displays the current year with the copyright symbol to its left. Assuming the current year to be 2015 the shorcode will display “© 2015” (without quotes) wherever it is used.

[current_year_with_copyright_symbol_and_title] – This shortcode displays the current year with the copyright symbol and site title to its left. Assuming the current year to be 2015 the shorcode will display “Site Title © 2015” (without quotes) wherever it is used.

Shortcode Features Available

  1. Current Year
  2. Current Year with copyright symbol
  3. Current Year with copyright symbol and title


  • <p>Usage of shortcode in Post/Page Editor</p>
  • <p>Output of shortcode on front-end</p>


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