Earn from Shoppydoo

Created by: Daniele Cruciani

Downloaded: 692 times

Earn money from affilate program of ShoppyDoo price comparator.

Feature list:

  • earn money on affiliate program (indicating your partner id)
  • add a list of offer into your content:
    • placing it where you prefer
    • defining the tag structure: opening tag, closing tag, repeated element. (in admin panel)
      • repeated element can be configurated further with product title, price, url, et cetera.
    • offer list is configurable by: category/ies, keywords, number of offers
  • Editor plugin for generation of tag needed for placing the list into content
  • Caching of the offer list for limit the number of request and speeedup site (with expire timeout configurable)

Shoppydoo is a product of 7Pixel s.r.l. I am not involved with them (but a sponsorship would be welcomed)



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