Take control of your Dashboard Menu with the Easy Admin Menu Manager from CreatorSEO. The Easy Admin Menu Manager plugin lets you quickly and easily configure and switch to distraction-free mode by removing the clutter from your admin menu. There is no loss of control of the menus or the functionality provided by any of your plugins.


  • Removes any clutter from the admin menu
  • Does not remove any functionality
  • Intuitive and easy to use
  • Takes minutes to implement but potentially saves hours when updating your site
  • Complies fully with GDPR
  • Does not hide the Admin menu you are working on


While every plugin that you install adds functionality to your website, these plugins also add items to the admin menu list which are seldom used. Your admin menu consequently becomes cluttered and difficult to navigate. This easy to use plugin removes the clutter without removing any of the functionality in the admin menu. All the commands remain right there for you to use when you need them.
A tidy workspace allows you to focus on the things that matter
This plugin is ideal for developers or admins who want the editors or contributors of the website to remain focussed on the elements that they should be using to update or to contribute to the website.


  • This shows a typical WordPress Admin menu before 'Easy Admin Menu' is activated. The number of available options in the menu on the left can be overwhelming if many plugins are installed.
  • Once Easy Menu Manager is activated the number of menu items can be reduced allowing users to focus on the important items.
  • Clicking on the Simplify Menu icon hides menu entries that are set to hide. Clicking again on 'Show Full Menu' returns the full menu.
  • Items that should be hidden for distraction free work can be set from the Settings > Easy Admin Menu of the Dashboard Widget.
  • Individual menu items can then be toggled on and off. Save changes after selecting the required menu configuration.
  • You need to press 'Save Changes' at the bottom of the 'Easy Menu Manager' page to implement the selections.
  • The Easy Admin Menu Widget can be switched on or off from the Settings menu. The default is ON.


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