Easy Bricks Navigation Easy Bricks Navigation

Easy Bricks Navigation

Created by: Tobias Gronbach

Downloaded: 543 times

Easy Bricks Navigation is a plugin to simplify navigation inside of Bricks Page Builder. So it’s a requirement to have Bricks Page Builder installed. It will save you time and make you more efficient by simplifying the navigation.

  • Toggable Menu-Item is added to the WordPress-Toolbar (in the Admin-Area and on the Frontend) and to the Bricks Toolbar
  • Pages and Bricks-Templates are automatically detected and added to the menu. If there’s a Page-Hierarchie it will also create that hierarchie in the menu
  • The menu is pre-structured and Menu-Categories are set up for you. Just add your own resources to the menu
  • Operate Menu via Mouse or Keyboard as you like
  • The menu is very adoptable to your needs (change order of items, color items, add items, remove items)
  • Add new Menu-Items
  • Change the position of the Menu-Items as you like (works with drag’n drop)
  • Color Menu-Items
  • Control Menu via Keyboard (see Help-Section for Keyboard-Controls)
  • Delete Menu-Items


  • Find Menu options and settings in the Easy Bricks Navigation Admin Area
  • Add new Menu-Items in the Wordpress-Admin-Area as you like
  • The Navigation is added to the Wordpress and Bricks Toolbar. Nest Menu-Items as deep as you like.
  • Your pages and templates are auto-detected and added to the menu
  • Use the keyboard to navigate through the menu (Ctrl + Alt + ArrowDown opens the menu, Esc = Close Menu, Use Arrow-Keys to navigate within)
  • Color the Menu-Items as you like
  • Reorder the Menu-Items as you like


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