Easy Content Analysis

Created by: PRESSMAN

Downloaded: 566 times

Easy Content Analysis enable you to analyze your own content of posts and data by the easy way.
For example, if you want to know how much your text make people feel positive or negative, you choose “Sentiment Analysis”, click “analyze” once and then immediately Percentages of sentiment are shown.

For Analysis, this plugin is using NLP API via Rakuten Rapid API. Therefore your own API key is required to activate the features.
The detail about how to activate the features is described below.


  • Currently, this is beta version and “Sentiment Analysis” is only implemented as trial.
  • The features are available only on Block Editor.

How to activate the features

  1. Access to https://api.rakuten.net/.
  2. Sign up and get your account.
  3. Activate “Easy Content Analysis” plugin and open the page “settings for Easy Content Analysis”.
  4. Copy your API key and paste on the text box.



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