Easy Popular Posts Easy Popular Posts

Easy Popular Posts

Created by: Christopher Ross

Downloaded: 233k times

This easy to use WordPress plugin is designed to add a new feature for theme developers. Used on many of my own websites as well as those of my clients, the plugin allows me to quickly add a collection of popular posts to any theme element.

The plugin can easily be used by website owners as a WordPress Widget, adding lists of posts to the Sidebar of a WordPress website.

About the plugin

More advanced users can also call the functionality of the plugin from a WordPress shortcode by adding the code [thisismyurl_easy_popular_posts] to any Post or Page within WordPress.

Finally, theme authors may also take advantage of the plugin by calling the functionality directly from theme files with the code thisismyurl_easy_popular_posts();.

This plugin was originally authored by Christopher Ross.

Questions about this plugin can be posted to the WordPress.org forums at https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-popular-posts/, or to the Issues tab at the GitHub https://github.com/thisismyurl/easy-popular-posts repository for the plugin.

This plugin is currently available in:

  • English
  • French
  • German


Updates to this plugin will be posted to the GitHub repository for testing prior to updates on WordPress.org, if you’d like to help make this plugin better please consider taking part in regular code reviews of releases at the GitHub repository.


Open source software such as this free WordPress plugin only work through the hard work of community members, volunteering their time or resources to make the software freely available. If you would like to show your support for this software, please consider donating towards the development effort.

If you can’t contribute to the plugin in any other way, please consider translating it to your local language.


  • The Widget Control Panel


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