JPEGcrypto safeguards JPEG images on your web site from ‘copyright violation’. This plugin is discontinued.


Basic features
* No effect to seo indexing by search engines
* Compatible with both pc & mobile with all major browsers
* Stability by client-side-processing & clean uninstall-ability
* Disabled saving an image by long-press (Mobile)
* Disabled saving an image by both right-click & drag-n-drop (PC)
* Guarded images remain link-able (PC, Mobile)
* Text selectable & copi-able for viewer convenience (PC, Mobile)
* Screenshot jamming by watching keys & window status (PC)
* WooCommerce product images guarded (PC, Mobile)
* Automatic guard deactivation for admin login (PC, Mobile)
* Protects ‘Lightboxed’ images too (PC, Mobile)

*** Lightbox ***
JPEGcrypto’s advanced feature works fine with major Lightbox scripts.

  • Works best with: WP jQuery Lightbox, Responsive Lightbox & Gallery
  • Works with: SwipeBox, prettyPhoto, FancyBox, Image Lightbox, Magnific Popup
  • Doesn’t work with: Nivo Lightbox, TosRUs, Featherlight

FAQ and Support

We do not offer update and support for this plugin due to its discontinue.



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