Product Carousel Slider for Elementor Lets you display your WooCommerce Products as Carousel Slider. You can now display your WooCommerce Products using this plugin easily to your users as a Carousel Slider. It helps you to display more products as beautiful Product carousels with Images, Product Name, Add to Cart Button in a nice sliding manner which will help you to get more Sales. It helps you to convert your traffic to more sales

Upgrade to Pro!


  • Filter Products by Product Status
  • Filter Products by Product Types
  • Limit Products
  • Choose Image Size from WordPress Registered Image Sizes
  • Custom Image Size
  • Show or Hide Product Image
  • Show or Hide Product Rating
  • Show or Hide Product Price
  • Multiple Slideshows (supports more than one carousel per view).
  • Choose Sliding Items Per View
  • Choose Slide to Scroll Number
  • Customizable Stlye
  • Customizable Color, and Background Option to match the slider look with your taste and feel
  • Extremely User Friendly settings panel for coders and non-coders alike.
  • Unique Settings for every carousel.
  • Support all Modern Browsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari etc.
  • Unlimited Slider on One Page
  • Custom CSS
  • Free Basic Support.
    > More Features are Coming Soon

Upgrade to Pro!

There is also a Pro Version of this plugin. You will get more features and advantages on the Pro Version. Product Carousel Slider for Elementor Pro is a multi-purpose responsive Product Showcase plugin that allows you to display more Products as a beautiful Product Carousel Slider to get more convertion into more sale. It has plenty of extremely user-friendly options and supports all Types of WooCommerce Products. You can fully Customize the Style with the PRO Version.

Upgrade to Pro!

Pro Features

  • Filter Products by Product Categories
  • Filter Products by Product Tags
  • Exclude Specific Product by Search from Product Lists
  • Include Specific Product by Search from Product Lists
  • Exclude Currenct Product on Single Product Template
  • Display Featured Products Only Option
  • Order Products in Ascending/Descending Order
  • Order Products by Publish Date, Product ID, Product Title, Product Type, Menu Order, Modified Date, Randomly
  • AutoPlay to Move the Slider Automatically
  • Change AutoPlay Speed
  • Change Slide Speed
  • Pause Slider on Mouse Hover
  • Show or Hide Product Title
  • Show or Hide Add to Cart Button
  • Show or Hide Read More Button
  • Show or Hide Dots
  • Show or Hide Navigation Arrows
  • Unlimited Responsive Breakpoint Builder with Slider Options to customize Slider on different Screen
  • Custom Arrow Icons from Font Awesome Icon and SVG Icon
  • Fully Customizable Style
  • Choose Spacing Between Items
  • All Free Features
  • Custom JS
  • Priority Support

More Features are Coming Soon

Upgrade to Pro!

** We welcome your feedback and new feature requests to improve the plugin! Please contact with us at for new Feature Requests**



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