EDD Enhanced Ecommerce EDD Enhanced Ecommerce

EDD Enhanced Ecommerce

Created by: DCGWS Internet Solutions

Downloaded: 967 times

EDD Enhanced Ecommerce is a Free Plugin for Easy Digital Downloads stores which allows you to use Google Analytics – Enhanced Ecommerce.You can track the user behavior across your e-commerce store starting from download views to thank you page. Enhanced Ecommerce is only supported by Universal Analytics.

Note :

Please follow these installation instruction.

Features of Plugin

  1. Quick & Easy installation from the wordpress interface
  2. Supports the 4 Reports in Enhanced Ecommerce
    • Shopping Behaviour Report
    • Checkout Behaviour Report
    • Product Performance Report
    • Sales Performance Report
  3. Supports Guest checkout functionality
  4. Captures Download Impressions, Add to Cart & Download Clicks events on downloads’ category page
  5. Captures Download Impressions, Add to Cart & Download Clicks events on download page
  6. Set your local currency
  7. Google Analytics Opt Out
  8. IP Anonymization

Installation Instructions

  • Enable Enhanced E-commerce for your profile/view. This is a profile / view level setting and can be accessed under Admin > View > E-commerce Settings

  • Add meaningful labels for your checkout steps. We recommend you to label as, Step 1 : Checkout View; Step 2 : Billing Info; Step 3 : Proceed to payment

  • Activate our plug-in from the Settings page. You can access the setting page from sidebar EDD Enhanced Ecommerce

  • Find “Add Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking Code” in the settings page and check the box to add the tracking code

  • If you have a guest checkout on your EDD store, then Check the box “Add Code to Track the Login Step of Guest Users”. If you have a guest login but you do not check the box, then it might cause an uneven funnel reporting in Google Analytics.


  • Enable Enhanced E-commerce for your profile/view. This is a profile / view level setting and can be accessed under Admin > View > E-commerce Settings. Also, add meaningful labels for your checkout steps. We recommend you to label as, Step 1 : Checkout View; Step 2 : Login; Step 3 : Proceed to payment;
  • Next, you need to activate your plugin from the Settings page by clicking the checkbox – “Add Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking Code". You can access the same from: EDD Enhanced Ecommerce > EDD Enhanced Ecommerce.
  • To Track Guest Users, Check the box – Add Code to Track the Login Steps of Guest Users. If you have a Guest Check out & if it’s Unchecked, then it might cause an uneven funnel reporting in Google Analytics.


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