This plugin requires Easy Digital Downloads.

If you’ve created a custom landing page or purchase funnel, hide the default product page of an Easy Digital Downloads product from users, and redirect them to your funnel. This allows you to optimize your purchase funnel and increase revenue.

EDD Hide Download allows you to:
1. Hide a download so it doesn’t appear on the custom post type archive page, anywhere where the [downloads] shortcode is being used, or any custom query on a page template
1. Prevent direct access to the download product page. The browser will redirect the user to the site’s homepage.
1. Do a combination of hiding the download and preventing direct access to it

This plugin is extremely useful in the following situations:

  1. You’ve created a product landing page and inserted a buy now button to your product. Since the landing page contains all the required product information, you can hide the product on the rest of your site and even prevent direct access to it.
  2. You’ve added a product (eg support package) that shouldn’t sit with your other products you have listed. In this case we can simply hide it from appearing with the other products and insert it where we’d like it to appear using the shortcode.

Filter example

Example filter of how you can change the redirect based on the download ID. Copy this function to your child theme’s functions.php or custom plugin

function sumobi_custom_edd_hide_download_redirect( $url ) {
    // download has ID of 17
    if ( '17' == get_the_ID() ) {
        $url = ''; // redirect user to another external URL

    // download has ID of 15
    if( '15' == get_the_ID() ) {
        $url = get_permalink( '8' ); // redirect to another download which has an ID of 8

    // return our new URL
    return $url;
add_filter( 'edd_hide_download_redirect', 'sumobi_custom_edd_hide_download_redirect' );

Example filter of how you can globally change the redirect. Copy this function to your child theme’s functions.php or custom plugin

function sumobi_custom_edd_hide_download_redirect_url( $url ) {
    $url = get_permalink( '8' ); // redirect to another download, post or page

    return $url;
add_filter( 'edd_hide_download_redirect', 'sumobi_custom_edd_hide_download_redirect' );

Get more with Easy Digital Downloads Pro


  • The new options added to the bottom of Easy Digital Download's Download Configuration metabox


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