EDD – Status Board EDD – Status Board

EDD – Status Board

Created by: Sandhills Development, LLC

Downloaded: 3k times

EDD – Status Board Integrates the Easy Digital Downloads API with the Status Board iPad app.

Please note: The Status Board app has been discontinued and is no longer available. If you already own it, this extension should work with it, but this extension will not be updated in the future.

Using your Easy Digital Downloads API Key and Tokens, you can display 3 different bar graphs:

  • Last 7 days sales
  • Last 7 days earnings
  • A Hybrid of last 7 days sales & earnings

The URL endpoints are

  • http://example.org/edd-api/sbsales/?key=apikey&token=usertoken
  • http://example.org/edd-api/sbearnings/?key=apikey&token=usertoken
  • http://example.org/edd-api/sbhybrid/?key=apikey&token=usertoken
  • http://example.org/edd-api/sbcommissions/?key=apikey&token=usertoken
  • http://example.org/edd-api/sbstorecommissions/?key=apikey&token=usertoken

You can manually add them to Status Board, or use the buttons located in the Profile page of wp-admin to automatically add the graphs (as seen in Screenshot 2).

This plugin requires Easy Digital Downloads version 2.4 or greater.

The following filters exist

  • edd_statusboard_graph_type – Alters the type of graph, bar or line. (Default: bar)
  • edd_statusboard_sales_color – Alters the color of the sales bar graphs. (Default: orange)
  • edd_statusbaord_earnings_prefix – Alters the prefix of earnings amounts. (Default: $)
  • edd_statusbaord_earnings_suffix – Alters the suffix of earnings amounts (Default: blank)
  • edd_statusboard_earnings_color – Alters the color of the earnings bar graphs (Default: green)
  • edd_statusboard_date_format – Alter the date format of the X-Axis. (Default: n/j or, month/day, uses PHP date formatting)
  • edd_statusboard_scale – By default Status Board auto scales based on the numbers in the data (thousands, millions, etc). You can set this via the filter (Default: 1, no scaling). A value of 0 will enable auto scaling.


  • View of the Hybrid Graph
  • The settings available from the Profile page


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