EELV Newsletter EELV Newsletter

EELV Newsletter

Created by: Bastien Ho

Downloaded: 12k times

Add a registration form on FrontOffice, a newsletter manager on BackOffice :

  • manage skins
  • address book
  • archives
  • answers

Freely manage content

  • shortcuts to add last posts or pages preview
  • the plugin allows to use shortcodes into the newsletters

Subscribe / unsubscribe form

  • Create a new page and put the shortcode [eelv_news_form] in the content.
  • Go to the configuration page on the wordpress admin to manage defaults values for expeditor and fill the unsuscribe page
    (the page wich contains the shortcode [eelv_news_form] to allow visitors to suscribe/unsuscribe your newsletter)
  • available attributes :
    • group=1 (Numeric, define in wich address book group to register e-mail addresses)
    • subscribe=1 (Boolean)
    • unsubscribe=1 (Boolean)
    • archives=1 (Boolean, displays or not the archives link)
    • archives_title=”Last newsletters” (String)
    • title=”Your email:” (String)
    • placeholder=”Your email:” (String)
    • button_label=”ok” (String)

Answer functionnality

  • Create a new page and put the shortcode [nl_reply_form] in the content.
  • Go to the configuration page on the wordpress admin to manage defaults values for expeditor and fill the answer page
    (the page wich contains the shortcode [nl_reply_form] to allow visitors to answer your newsletter)
  • add answer links in your newsletters by adding the shortcode [nl_reply_link], you can add as many links as you want.
    Attributes your anwser links are rep=”the_answer_code” val=”the link’s text”

Do you like this plugin ?

[nl_reply_link val="Yes I do" rep="yes"]

[nl_reply_link val="Not at all" rep="no"]

[nl_reply_link val="Can you repeat the question ?" rep="misunderstand"]

Links will be automaticly created with the e-mail address of the recipient. If the link is broken, with not enougth datas, a form will be displayed to complete it.

Reading tracking

  • Check if your newsletters are readen or not
  • Clean your address book

Use skins

  • You can create skins or use the default skin.
  • The default skin automaticly load the 3 latest posts into your newsletter.

Sending alert

  • Network admins can also setup an email to receive each newsletter sent by the server, for preventing spam usage or support users

External address books with hooks

Use theses hooks to use any external address book

To hook into the pre-sending form and and add your recipients selector, use :
function my_recipients_select_function(){
echo' My recipients’;

To parse the query and correctly add emails to the queue, use :

Also usefull: add_action('eelv_newsletter_addressbook_list')

WP CLI Support

Sending to huge list of recipients can be done over wp-cli.

wp newsletter send

In a multisite use, –url parameter is mandatory.

To avoid any conflict, set “send by” to “WP-CLI” in your configuration page.’,



  • fr_FR : 100%


  • en : 100%


  • Template manager
  • Sending options


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