Elegance Menu Elegance Menu

Elegance Menu

Created by: Impact Techlab

Downloaded: 314 times

👉 Plugin Demo | Documentation 👈

The Elegance Menu is an amazing tool for WordPress websites.It’s like a special menu that you can use in different parts of your site, like pages, posts, and even in the new Gutenberg editor. It’s made with the latest web technology, HTML5, and CSS3, which makes it look nice.

One cool thing about this menu is that you can easily add it wherever you want using a shortcode.So, if you want to show all your menu items, just add the shortcode, and boom, there it is! Or, if you prefer, you can display only certain categories of items at once.

Lots of different businesses can benefit from this plugin, like restaurants, pubs, salons, and hotels. It helps them showcase their offerings in a stylish and organized way on their websites.

🏆 Multiple Layouts

  1. With Elegance Menu, you have lots of different layouts to choose from for your menu items, so you can make your menus stand out. You can organize your menus by category, and there are plenty of options to customize how they look. Plus, for each category, you have multiple layout choices.
  2. Elegance Menu also lets you display your menus in a tidy grid format, and you can even add a filter option so users can easily find what they’re looking for.

🏆 Features

This is an awesome plugin for WordPress that helps you create a beautiful menu for your restaurant or café website. It’s perfect for showcasing your food and drinks in a really attractive way. You can add mouth-watering designs and give detailed descriptions of your menu items, plus some extra cool features.

  • Fully Responsive
  • Display All items, Multiple or Single Categories in a Page/ Post
  • Multiple ShortCode
  • Multiple layouts
  • Use the same plugin for multiple business

Fully Translatable

  • POT files included (/languages/)

🏆 Shortcode Generator

You can generate Unlimited shortcodes by following 4 simple steps.

👉 Layout: To create shortcodes, the initial step is selecting a layout. You have the freedom to pick from various layout choices.

👉 Category: You can select multiple/single categories based on the chosen layout.

👉 Name: The title of the section, it is usally post title.

👉 Tagline: The tagline of the section which will be displayed above the title.

ShortCode Settings

  • Display All Items:
    [elegance-menu id=120 layout="layout-3" name="Restaurant Menu 3" tagline="Favorite Items"]
  • Display Multi Category:
    [elegance-menu id=120 layout="layout-3" category="4,3,6,2" name="Restaurant Menu 3" tagline="Favorite Items"]
  • Display Single Category:
    [elegance-menu id=102 layout="layout-3" category="4" name="Hair Salon Pricelist 2" tagline="Best Price List"]

ShortCode Parameters

  • category = Catgory id (only integer)
  • id = Post ID
  • layout = Design Layout
  • name = Post Name
  • tagline = Tag Line

For Use Template PHP File :-

<?php echo do_shortcode('[elegance-menu id=102 layout="layout-3" category="4" name="Hair Salon Pricelist 2" tagline="Best Price List"]'); ?>

Need Any Help?

  • For any bug, support or suggestion please mail us at info@impacttechlab.com.


  • This screenshot of setting page where you can select currency and placeholder image.
  • This screenshot show metaboxes of menu posts.
  • This screenshot describe shortcode generator fields.
  • List layout screenshot.
  • Tab layout screenshot.
  • Grid layout screenshot.


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