This plugin sends an email to the WordPress System email (Settings / General / Email Address) or any other configured email address each time somebody logs into WordPress. This is handy if there are not many logins each day or week to keep track of all of them and being able to detect non authorized logins.

The email contains the username, the user id and the user role (administrator, editor, author or contributor). Other data included is the Date & Time and the IP Address.

This plugin is an enhanced version of the plugin Email notification on admin login, that tracks all users, includes user role, translations and the lookup of the country of the IP from which the form is sent.

We created this enhanced version of the plugin, because we needed a translation to Spanish and wanted to know the country from which the uses send the contact form, whithout having to lookup the IP address.

In order to display the Country it needs the Geolocation IP Detection (until March 2020: GeoIP Detection) plugin that can be found in the WordPress plugin repository. This plugin “provides geographic information detected by an IP adress”. This plugin auto-updates the GeoIP database once a week. This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from

If the Geolocation IP Detection (until March 2020: GeoIP Detection) plugin is not installed and enabled, you will only see the IP address, without the country of the IP adress.

We decided to use the Geolocation IP Detection (until March 2020: GeoIP Detection) plugin to handle the lookup of the country, because it’s a plugin that is actively developed and we saw no advantage in implementing all this functionality, when we could use an existing one.

What can I do with this plugin?

This plugin sends an email to the WordPress System email (Settings / General / Email Address) or any other configured email address each time somebody logs into WordPress. This is handy if there are not many logins each day or week to keep track of all of them and being able to detect non authorized logins.

What ideas is this plugin based on?

This plugin is an enhanced version of the plugin Email notification on admin login, that tracks all users, includes user role, translations and the lookup of the country of the IP from which the form is sent.

System requirements

PHP version 5.5 or greater.

Email notification on Login Plugin in your Language!

This first release is avaliable in English and Spanish. In the “languages” folder we have included the necessarry files to translate this plugin.

If you would like the plugin in your language and you’re good at translating, please drop us a line at Contact us.

Further Reading

You can access the description of the plugin in Spanish at: Email notification on Login en español.


For further information please send us an email.



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