Email Verifications is advance email validation and mobile number validation rules that can detect only genuine and deliverable email addresses and mobile numbers.


Why use Email Verifications ?

  • Ever lost lead due to client typo email address in your contact form
  • Got spam form submission from disposable emails
  • Ever lost lead due to client mobile number in your contact form
  • And more…

Our plugin extends is_email() validation rule of wordpress plugin for email verification and wpcf7_is_tel() validation rule of contact form 7 for mobile number verification. So any other form plugin that uses this function works with our email verification and mobile number verification.For mobile number verification you must have to select your country code in our plugin’s setting page.

It works with :

  • Contact Form 7
  • WordPress Registration
  • WordPress Comments
  • Any many more which uses is_email wordpress function.
  • Any many more which uses wpcf7_is_tel wordpress function.

All the email checking and mobile number checking are done in our dedicated server and you don’t need to worry about your IP getting blocked due to the verification. We handle all this for you.

Please generate the API key (Free for Test, Premium) from here. API key is need to connect to our server for the email and mobile number verification.

For any issue, please contact us at here.

Privacy Policy : We don’t store any email or mobile number during the email and mobile number verification process. Only your API key details (Name, Email & Remaining Check Credits) are stored in our server.


  • Admin Panel Settings(Email)
  • Admin Panel Settings(Mobile)


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