EmergencyWP – Dead Man's switch & legacy deliverance

Created by: EmergencyWP Team, Albert Brückmann

Downloaded: 1k times

EmergencyWP is a dead man’s switch with integrated future messaging system. It checks on your life status on a weekly basis by sending emails that contain a confirmation link. Once clicked, the time frame for the next so called lifecheck starts again. If missed, the user will be reminded to confirm in a second mail. If that’s missed as well, the future messages will be send to pre-selected recipients.

Features of the plugin include:

  • Weekly life checks
  • Up to three recipients
  • Unlimited messages
  • Cron service
  • E-Mail templating
  • E-Mail log

Extend the functions with EmergencyWP Pro!See all packages


EmergencyWP has a range of extensions that allow you to extend the power of the plugin. You can purchase all of these extensions at a significant discount within bundle packages or you can purchase extensions individually.

  • Add-ons Overview – See all extensions that will secure your life even more.
  • Trustees Add-on – Add a security layer to your installation by inviting trusted persons. Once they’ve accepted their role as trustees, EmergencyWP will ask them for the well-being of the user if he doesn’t respond to life checks anymore. It even has an inbuilt conflict management which will handle different feedbacks from trustees.
  • Delivery conditions – Normally, messages will be sent once the time frame for confirming the life status has closed. With this add-on, you can plan this to be on specific dates or after a given amount of time only. This could be the case, e.g. if you want a future mail to be send to your wife on your wedding day one year after the passing.
  • The Vault Add-on – With the Vault, you can store confidential information from more than 15 categories in your WordPress website. It will be secured with a highly secure, 256-AES encryption and will hide your credentials and login data from eyes of other WordPress users or even hosting providers and hackers.
  • Zapier Add-on – Connecting EmergencyWP to the huge amount of Zapier apps will make life validations via email almost obsolete and only needed in a very last instance.



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