Contributors: aarontgrogg Contributors: aarontgrogg

Contributors: aarontgrogg

Created by: Aaron T. Grogg

Downloaded: 2k times

Another WordPress plug-in that started with me finding something to be annoying,
finding a way to fix it, then figuring if it made my life a little better,
someone else might appreciate it too…

Currently, in a multisite installation, when in Admin mode, in order get to the
‘Posts’, ‘Pages’, ‘Themes’, ‘Plugins’, ‘Settings’, or ‘Tools’ page for a site,
before you can finally click the admin link you really wanted.

I never understood why those drop-downs were so limited. So I added to them.

This plug-in adds links for ‘Posts’, ‘Pages’, ‘Themes’, ‘Plugins’, ‘Settings’, and ‘Tools’,
to the ‘Network Admin’ and individual Site drop-downs, making jumping between
multisite options a lot easier…
Note that there is no ‘Posts’, ‘Pages’, or ‘Tools’ page available in the ‘Network Admin’ section,
so those admin links are not added.

Please let me know if you have any questions/suggestions/thoughts,



  • Before screenshot of the Network Admin drop-down expanded, displaying the normal admin links.
  • After screenshot of the Network Admin drop-down expanded, with the new links added, but no 'Tools' link.
  • After screenshot of a Site drop-down expanded, with the new links added, including 'Tools'.


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