Enhanced AJAX Add to Cart for WooCommerce Enhanced AJAX Add to Cart for WooCommerce

Enhanced AJAX Add to Cart for WooCommerce

Created by: TheRiteSites

Downloaded: 25k times

Use the block or shortcode to display a lightweight, smart, and flexible Add to Cart button inline with any content, on any page you desire.

This extension for WooCommerce allows you to render a non-redirect button with an associated quantity field. Create effective and functional buttons to use for your or your customers convenience anywhere on your site you want!

Find the newly released Pro version here!
Premium now has a GROUP shortcode!
order={“title,quantity,separator,price,description”} // any order you want, also accepts first letters as arguments “q,s,t,p,d” for example.

Breaking Changes in 2.0 found here


We consider our product and its displaying components to be lightweight. The Add to Cart interaction is one of the key moments prior to the decision of a customer finishing their checkout. Understanding that, we are trying to deliver the smallest payload possible when it comes to html and assets.
Keeping our html lightweight already, if objects are not displayed (e.g. title or price) then the html is never generated, rather than relying on css.


Keeping with the theme of lightweight and optimized, assets, which are separated by their uses, will only be loaded when they are used!
Not only that, but the button will become disabled (by default) if the associated product is now out of stock (toggled in the settings).


Through the block interface, you can change entirely the order of all parts of the product info & button. Toggling fields on and off, you can make the area fit the way you dream it!
Many plugins we have used in the past feel overbearing when it comes to styling, sometimes making it hard to apply styles to help the plugin fit your theme.
We left the themeing to you, using some base classes on elements like the buttons and quantity fields that we found let most themes do base styling to the elements.

Block Documentation

New “AJAX Add to Cart Block”! and New “Group AJAX Add to Cart Block”!
New and improved interface to create flexible components on any page of your website that has the block editor enabled!
Easily toggle displays and drag-and-drop to move around objects to change the appearance of the add to cart component on the front end.

The major difference between the blocks is the Group AJAX add to cart block allows the selection of multiple products. The selected display settings and styling will be applied to all products the same in that block.

Not only does the block have all the features the shortcode does, but expands further upon that allowing you to change the display order of each individual component using a visual editor!
The block also has a product select tool so you no longer have to remember individual product or variation IDs

Block fields available:
– Title
– Separator
– Price
– Quantity
– Button
– Image (premium setting)
– Custom text field (premium setting)
– Short Description (premium setting)

Shortcode Documentation

New Shorter Shortcode: [a2c_button /] and [ajax_add_to_cart /] are now options for the original [enh_ajax_add_to_cart_button /]
The required field for every button is the product, with six optional fields:
– variation (used for variable products)
– title (to reflect the label before the button)
– quantity (sets the default quantity AND hides the quantity checkbox)
– show_quantity (if quantity is specified, re-enables the checkbox)
– show_price
– button_text
– class
– order (overrides show_quantity, show_price)

Original single button shortcode:

   order={"title,quantity,separator,price,description"} // any order you want, also accepts first letters as arguments "q,s,t,p,d" for example.

Documentation notes:
– The curly brackets “{ }” denote a list of options separated by a pipe ” | ”
– With the exception of “pid” and “vid” options, the lower case “options” within the curly braces are to represent different settings available for the front end display order. These will soon be deprecated for a new property “order”
– “pid” represents a product id, INTEGER value.
– “vid” represents a variation id, INTEGER value.
– STRING and INTEGER are to represent types.
– INTEGER expects a whole number, and decimals are not fully supported yet.
– STRING can have spaces in it if enclosed in quotes (“This is a string.”) otherwise it will take 1 word.

Legacy shortcodes will remain working and will always take the options above:

[enh_ajax_add_to_cart_button product={pid} variation={vid} /]
[ajax_add_to_cart product={pid} variation={vid} /]

SIMPLE PRODUCT: Use only the required parameters to make a quantity box and add to cart button for a simple product with the title to the left:

[a2c_button product=42 ]

Refer to screenshot 1 below to see the output

VARIABLE PRODUCT: Use the product and variation parameters to make a quantity box and add to cart button for a specific variation of a variable product, with the fully qualified name:

[a2c_button product=3312 variation=3313 ]

Refer to screenshot 2 below to see the output

Use the product and variation parameters to make a quantity box and add to cart button for a specific variation of a variable product, with only the variation attributes listed separated with a space as the name:

[a2c_button product=3312 variation=3313 title=attributes ]

Refer to screenshot 3 below to see the output

Use the product and variation parameters to make a quantity box and add to cart button for a specific variation of a variable product, with no name listed:

[a2c_button product=3312 variation=3313 title=none ]

Refer to screenshot 4 below to see the output

Use the button_text parameter to change the text on the Add to Cart button! (Strips out HTML tags)
Use double quotes ( “like this” ) to get a phrase with spaces

[ajax_add_to_cart product=3312 variation=3313 button_text="Add this to cart!" ]

Use the show_price parameter to make a price field appear, with the options being before the title, after the title but before the quantity/add to cart button, or at the very rear of the line!


[ajax_add_to_cart product=3312 variation=3313 show_price=b ]

After Title

[ajax_add_to_cart product=3312 variation=3313 show_price=a ]

Rear (After Button)

[ajax_add_to_cart product=3312 variation=3313 show_price=r ]


  • Minimum parameter requirements for shortcode and output
  • Variable product shortcode parameters and output
  • Variable product variation only title (no product base name)
  • No title for quantity and button inputs


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