
Created by: Mike Walsh

Downloaded: 3k times

Enhanced-Calendar (previously known as Calendar-Plus) enhances
Kieran O’Shea’s Calendar plugin
by removing several limitations and adding the ability to instantiate
the calendar in a sidebar widget.

Enhanced-Calendar requires the original
Calendar plugin to be installed and activated.
Enhanced-Calendar introduces a proper shortcode which can also be used to display the calendar in a sidebar
by using the Sidebar Shortcode plugin.


Usage of Enhanced-Calendar is primarily driven by shortcodes. Enhanced-Calendar does not change the way
in which Calendar adds and manages calendar events. The [calendar] shortcode has several arguments. You
could create a post that contains the following content to see how the various options affect the Calendar


[calendar weekday=1]

[calendar weekday=3 descriptions='off']

[calendar dateswitcher='off']

[calendar weekday=3 dateswitcher='off' descriptions='off']


Enhanced-Calendar moves the CSS styling from a plugin setting which is stored in the database to a separate CSS
file which makes it easy to style Calendar with your own WordPress theme. The default CSS file shipped with
Enhanced-Calendar is the same as the default settings from the Calendar plugin.

You can see Enhanced-Calendar in action on the CASL Shocks web site.



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