Enlighter – Customizable Syntax Highlighter Enlighter – Customizable Syntax Highlighter

Enlighter – Customizable Syntax Highlighter

Created by: Andi Dittrich

Downloaded: 325k times

Enlighter is a free, easy-to-use, syntax highlighting tool for WordPress. Highlighting is powered by the EnlighterJS javascript library to provide a beautiful code-appearance.

Using it can be as simple as adding a new Enlighter Sourcecode block (Gutenberg) and insert the code which you want to highlight: Enlighter takes care of the rest!

An easy to use Theme-Customizer is included to modify the build-in themes without any css knowlegde!
It also supports the automatic creation of tab-panes to display code-groups together (useful for multi-language examples – e.g. html+css+js)

Plugin Features

  • Full Gutenberg Editor Integration
  • Full Classic Editor Integration (TinyMCE)
  • Support for all common used languages
  • Powerful generic highlighting engine for unknown/unsupported languages
  • Theme Customizer
  • Inline Syntax Highlighting
  • Advanced configuration options are available within the options page.
  • Supports code-groups (displays multiple code-blocks within a tab-pane)
  • Extensible language and theme engines – add your own one.
  • Simple CSS based themes
  • Integrated CSS file caching (suitable for high traffic sites)
  • Full GDPR compliant – no external resources are required, no data will be aggregated

Gutenberg Editor Integration

  • Full Editor Integration via “Enlighter Sourcecode” block
  • Inline Syntax Highlighting
  • Automatic transformations for classic editor posts (codeblocks converted to Enlighter Sourcecode block)
  • Transform legacy codeblocks to Enlighter Gutenberg Blocks (manual transformation)
  • Docs and Usage
  • Editor plugin repository

Classic Editor (TinyMCE) Integration


  • Markdown fenced code blocks
  • Inline Syntax Highlighting via backtick code (including language specific addon)
  • Docs and Usage


  • Crayon compatibility mode (use EnlighterJS highlighting for legacy Crayon pre codeblocks)
  • CodeColorer compatibility mode (use EnlighterJS highlighting for legacy CodeColorer shortcodes)
  • Jetpack markdown compatibility mode (generic or raw highlighting)
  • Gutenberg standard codeblock compatibility mode (no language attributes)


  • bbPress shortcode + markdown code blocks support
  • Dynamic Content via jQuery Ajax.load
  • Dynamic Content via Jetpack.InfiniteScroll

Texteditor/Shortcodes (Legacy)

Shortcodes are deprecated and should be used in text editor mode only – never use them within Gutenberg Editor or Classic Editor!

  • Easy to use Text-Editor mode through the use of Shortcodes and QuickTags
  • Shortcodes within content, comments and widgets
  • Standalone Shortcode-Processor to avoid wpautop filter issues in Text-Editor Mode

Supported Languages (build-in)

In case your language is not available try the Generic Mode which covers a lot of programming languages – or request a new language on GitHub

Related Links


All modern webbrowsers with enabled Javascript and HTML5 capabilities for “data-” attributes are compatible with Enlighter. It’s possible that it may work with earlier/other browsers.

  • Chrome 60+
  • Firefox 60+
  • Safari 11+
  • Edge Browser 10+


  • HTML highlighting Example (Enlighter Theme)
  • Visual Editor Integration
  • Visual Editor Code Settings
  • Visual Editor Inline/Block Formats
  • Options Page - Appearance Settings
  • Options Page - Advanced Settings
  • Theme Customizer - General styles
  • Theme Customizer - Language Token styling
  • Special options for use with a CDN (Content Delivery Network)
  • Tab-Pane Example (multiple languages)
  • Frontend Editing using wp_editor feature
  • Theme Customizer - Live Preview-Mode


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