EntryWizard EntryWizard


Created by: Josie Stauffer

Downloaded: 9k times

EntryWizard was developed to cater to the needs of camera club competitions. In these competitions members may submit multiple images with titles and other data attached.

  • Administrators use the software to design web forms, asking for information as text inputs and/or drop-down menu items as well as image files.

  • They may set up any number of different “layouts” ( specifications of what information to ask for and what limits to enforce ), assigning an identifier to each.

  • Here is one example of the sort of rules a layout is able to specify:

    • Each image must have:
      1. a short title;
      2. a “Category”, which must be one of “Nature”, “Photojournalism”, “Still Life” or “Portrait”;
      3. a “Format”, which must be one of “Digital”, “Slide” or “Print”
    • Up to 6 entries may be submitted, each with or without a digital version
    • Any image of type “Digital” must have an uploaded digital version
    • At most 2 of the 6 images may be in the “Nature” category.
    • The images must be in jpeg format, with maximum dimensions of 1280 x 1024 pixels, longest dimension no less than 900 pixels, and size no greater than 1M.
  • Each webform is given a unique alphanumeric identifier, and this identifier is used within a shortcode to insert the webform in a page or post. Any number of different webforms may be created, and one of the layouts is assigned to each one. Multiple webforms may appear on one page, although currently they have to be submitted individually.

  • Each webform separately may be set as “open for upload” or “closed”. If it is open, the shortcode is replaced by the upload form. If it is closed, the shortcode is replaced by a message saying that the upload is closed. A closed webform may also be opened temporarily to specified members only, and an open webform may be set to close automatically at a specified time.

  • When items have been uploaded, the administrator may either view the items online, or download them. The downloaded image files may be renamed in various ways. A spreadsheet (in comma-separated .csv format) showing the uploaded data together with some optional information about the users, may also be downloaded.

  • The uploaded images may be attached to pre-existing pages for display in a gallery.

  • There is a fine-grained permissions system allowing administrators to grant an individual user various levels of control over the webforms and layouts.
    Only logged-in users may see the webform.

  • Users of this plugin may also be interested in using Flexishow (https://sourceforge.net/projects/flexishow/) to run a slideshow using the information in the spreadsheet to select the images displayed.

  • EntryWizard has a companion plugin called Ewz-Rating (https://wordpress.org/plugins/ewz-rating/). It is designed for display and online judging of items uploaded via EntryWizard.


This plugin does not send any data to external servers. It does store in the wordpress database whatever data is requested in the forms designed by the administrator. Viewing of such data using the plugin’s shortcodes is always restricted to logged-in users, and is usually further restricted by the administrator.


  • Setting up the fields for the webform.
  • The webform in action.
  • Error message shown to user ( in a recent version of Firefox ).
  • Downloading the images and spreadsheet.


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