EPay.bg Payments

Created by: vloo

Downloaded: 1k times

The plugin allows you to create a button for making a payment through epay.bg (a Bulgarian service). The button can be added in any page or post, using a shortcode. Parameters that you can define in the shortcode are:

  • url of the payment gateway (ePay got a sandbox and a live urls, that can be used);
  • merchant secret (you get one when you register at their site);
  • mercant key, a.k.a. MIN (also received after registration);
  • amount of the payment in BGN currency;
  • expiration date for the time till when the system will be expecting a payment from the client;
  • description of the payment;
  • redirection url for when a payment is successfully completed;
  • redirection url for when a payment is cancelled;
  • label on the submit button;

The plugin supports localization and has about 4-5 strings, so it will be pretty easy for anyone to localize it with Codestyling Localization plugin or POEdit tool.


[epay sum=”50″ secret=”THIS_IS_THE_SECRET” expdate=”01.08.2020″ submiturl=”https://devep2.datamax.bg/ep2/epay2_demo/” min=”MERCHANT_ID” descr=”YOU PAY ME FOR THIS” failurl=”http://yoursite.com/fail” successurl=” http://yoursite.com/success” btnlabel=”Proceed to ePay”]


  • Rethink the invoice id thingy (currently giving a random 10-digit number);
  • Make a flag arg for demo/live payment gateway (currently there is an arguement for the gateway url);
  • Validation of the arguements (none currently);
  • Set default values (some of the args shouldn’t be required);

Any ideas for additional features are welcome!

GitHub Repo

Here it is: https://github.com/vlood/ePay.bg-Payments-Plugin



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