Meet global accessibility regulations with the quickest and most cost-effective method available in the marketplace today!
Equalweb is an AI-powered solution (SaaS) and online remediation widget, created to improve accessibility and monitoring of any website. The widget includes 27 accessibility functions and the choice of 32 languages for an optimal and personalized browsing experience. Its comprehensive accessibility menu provides incredible features such as screen reader adjustment, keyboard navigation, numeric navigation, blink block, text reader, voice commands, color adjustments, font sizing, and many others.

Easy-to-use Equalweb Ai Accessibility Widget at WordPress platform. JUST one simple line of code on your backend and our technology does the rest.
Equalweb AI, the solution helps mitigate the risk of lawsuits, boosts your brand perception, and opens your website to potential new customers, by making it more accessible.

The widget includes real-time accessibility scan monitoring for ADA and WCAG 2.1 compliance to identify and fix accessibility violations. FREE first monitor scan included in all plans.
Automated AI-powered
Try the leading WordPress accessibility solution today – Start 7 days FREE trial.
Visit to learn more about how Equalweb’s solution can help you and your customers!


  • Equalweb Registration page
  • Add your website at
  • Design and customize your accessibility icon
  • Example view of the code provided by EqualWeb
  • Accessibility monitor setup
  • Accessibility report by equalweb monitor


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