Current Year, Month & Copyright Shortcode Current Year, Month & Copyright Shortcode

Current Year, Month & Copyright Shortcode

Created by: EasyToolbox

Downloaded: 441 times

Using this “Current Year, Month & Copywroght Shortcode” plugin user can easily add current year, month and copyright sign in post and page title or body.


  • [y] / [cy] : Use these shortcodes to show current year.
  • [m] / [cm] : Use these shortcodes to show current Month.
  • [py] : Use these shortcodes to show past year.
  • [pm] : Use these shortcodes to show past month.
  • [ny] : Use these shortcodes to show next year.
  • [nm] : Use these shortcodes to show next month.
  • [c] : Use these shortcodes to show copyright sign.

Arbitrary section

A brief Markdown Example


  • This screen shot description corresponds to screenshot-2.png. Note that this screenshot shows the admin help section of this plugin.
  • This screen shot description corresponds to screenshot-3.png. Note that this screenshot shows the bottom template.


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