EU Cookie Policy EU Cookie Policy

EU Cookie Policy

Created by: Paresh Maghodiya

Downloaded: 872 times

EU Cookie Policy is one of the simplest and most popular cookie notification plugins out there. EU Cookie Policy plugin helps your website to comply with GDPR cookie regulations by asking every visitors to accept or decline cookies.

Simple set up

One of the most popular aspects of the plugin is its simplicity of use – simply install and activate the plugin to automatically add the cookie consent notification bar. There is no need to configure it. On activation, the plugin creates and populates a page on your site with information about your cookie policy and automatically links to the page from the notification bar. So if you’re using the default settings, it’s a matter of seconds to get up and running.

One of the best plugin is the simplicity of the usage – just install and activate the plugin to automatically add the cookie consent notification bar on your website. There is no need any special or complicated configuration to set it. It’s default setting will automaticly etting up almost all, and you can also modified it.


  • Fully customisable to look just like your own website’s style: customise the colours, styles and fonts
  • Put the cookie bar in either the header or the footer
  • (Optional) accept cookie policy if the user scrolls
  • (Optional) automatically close the cookie bar after a delay (delay is configurable)
  • (Optional) either top or bottom bar, or floating in one of the corners of the screen
  • Responsive popup
  • Set the cookie duration

PHP Functions available

You can check the consent plugin.


You can add your translations here:

If you want to be translation editor for your locale, please send your detail (eg. it_IT) to


  • EU Cookie Policy Settings
  • Notification popup on TOP bar
  • Notification popup on Top Left


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