Event Organiser Posterboard Event Organiser Posterboard

Event Organiser Posterboard

Created by: Stephen Harris

Downloaded: 45k times

Further documentation can be found at http://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/shortcodes/posterboard/.

Basic Usage

To display the event posterboard simply use the shortcode [event_board] on any page or post. Full width pages work best.

Advanced Usage

The shortcode supports the same arguments as the events list shortcode. This
includes the ability to display only a particular category, or events satisfying a certain query.

For example, to show events only for category “foobar”:

 [event_board event_category="foobar"]

To show events starting in the comming 7 days

 [event_board event_category="foobar"]

Most arguments supported by the [eo_events] (see documentation) shortcode will also work with
posterboard. Please note that posts_per_page should be used instead of
numberposts and the no_events attributes is not supported.

E.g. to show events which start this week (week starting Monday), three at a time:

 [event_board event_start_after="monday this week" event_start_before="sunday this week" posts_per_page=3]


You can add filters at the top of the event board to filter the events. Supported filters include:

For example

 [event_board filters="state"]

You can display multiple filters by listing them as a comma delimited list

 [event_board event_start_after="now" event_start_before="+1 week"]

You can edit the template used for the event board. See the FAQ.


  • Event posterboard
  • Event posterboard


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