Events Manager Booking Payments with WooCommerce Events Manager Booking Payments with WooCommerce

Events Manager Booking Payments with WooCommerce

Created by: Blaze Concepts

Downloaded: 951 times

This plugin integrates the popular WordPress Events Manager by Marcus Sykes with WooCommerce so that users can use the full range of payment gateways that WooCommerce provide.

The plugin works by adding an ‘Event Booking’ WooCommerce product. Each time the cart is displayed the plugin checks for Pending (or Awaiting Payment or Awaiting Online Payment) event bookings. If any Pending bookings exist the plugin adds the Event Booking product to the cart with the event booking details in the cart item meta information. The visitor can then go through the checkout process in WooCommerce and once complete, the status of the bookings is changed to Approved.

If the WooCommerce order is cancelled, the plugin sets the associated booking statuses back to Awaiting Payment.

The plugin doesn’t make assumptions about design and tries to use as little CSS as possible so styling should inherit from your theme without too much trouble.

Important Note

This plugin does not provide events management on it’s own, it utilises the Events Manager to provide that functionality.


The development repo is at Github, where you’re welcome to raise issues, submit documentation and pull requests.

This plugin is developed and maintained by Blaze Concepts in the UK and we are very greatful to Marcus Sykes and the WooCommerce team for their respective efforts on Events Manager and WooCommerce. provides a pro version of Events Manager that has it’s own booking system as well as a number of other enhancements however this plugin fulfilled our requirement to use different payment gateways and help others to do the same.


  • WooCommerce Basket with Event Details


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