Events Optimizer Events Optimizer

Events Optimizer

Created by: Oliver Heinrich

Downloaded: 648 times

Use AI to create engaging descriptions for your events, venues and organizers. Add automatically events from Google Events. Easily update address information and eliminate the hassle of managing incorrect or outdated details by automating the optimization of data with just a few clicks. Remove duplicate venues or organizers. Requires the Events Calendar Plugin.


  • Improve venues with incorrect or incomplete information, such as missing ZIP codes, cities, provinces, or phone numbers.
  • Enhance organizers with incorrect or incomplete information, such as missing phone numbers, websites, or email addresses.
  • Improve events with incorrect or incomplete information, such as missing website links, cost, images, organizers, or venues.


  • Generate descriptions for events, venues and organizers with OpenAI ChatGPT, Mistral Mixtral, Google Gemini or Anthropic Claude automatically – in any language!
  • Add events from Google Events automatically
  • Add images for events from Google Images with one click
  • Use Google Places to find and correct inaccurate data for venues and organizers.
  • Identify and merge duplicate organizers or venues, even if their names do not fully match.
  • Fetch venue and organizer data from Google Places – right within the single venue/ organizer form!
  • Get the business status of venues and organizers, e.g. permanent or temporarily closed.
  • Perform security checks on website URLs for potential risks, using Google Safe Browsing.
  • Check for missing HTTP/HTTPS, redirects, or permanent moves in URLs.
  • Verify if email addresses are properly formatted.
  • Choose your local language to obtain accurate data matches from Google Places.
  • Choose the appropriate phone number or address format for your region, following international standards.

Find more information about the Events Optimizer (Pro) on our website.


  • GPT-3.5 turbo
  • GPT-3.5 turbo (1106)
  • GPT-3.5 turbo 16k
  • GPT-4
  • GPT-4 (1106 preview)
  • GPT-4 turbo
  • GPT-4 turbo (preview)
  • GPT-4o
  • GPT-4o mini
  • Gemini 1.0 Pro
  • Gemini 1.5 Pro
  • Gemini 1.5 Flash
  • Claude 3 Opus
  • Claude 3 Sonnet
  • Claude 3 Haiku
  • Claude 3.5 Sonnet
  • Mistral 7B
  • Mixtral 8x7B
  • Mixtral 8x22B
  • Mixtral Nemo
  • Mixtral Large

These AI models are supported by Events Optimizer Pro. New models are regularly added.


  • English
  • German
  • Spanish (AI translated)

You are welcome to help translate the plugin translation.
The free version can be translated on
To translate the Pro version feel free to use the .pot file in the languages folder and get in contact with us on our website.


  • PHP 7.4 or above (8.1 recommended)
  • WordPress 6.1 or above
  • The Events Calendar plugin is required. Please install it before you activate Events Optimizer.
  • For Events Optimizer Pro the following APIs are required:
  • To automatically generate descriptions of events, venues and organizers by an AI model like OpenAI GPT-4 or Google Gemini is required. Start your free trial on the OpenAI website or Google Cloud Console
  • To let your data be completed automatically a Google Places API key is required. Get it in the Google Cloud Console.
  • To automatically add events the DataForSEO API is required. Start your free trial on the DataForSEO website (Affiliate Link).
  • To perform security checks on website URL a free Google Safe Browsing API key is required. Get it in the Google Cloud Console.


Find screenshots and more information on our website.


  • Optimize venues with invalid data
  • Identify duplicate venues and merge them
  • Fetch venue data from Google Places - right within the venue form!
  • Optimize organizers with invalid data
  • Identify duplicate organizers and merge them
  • Optimize events with invalid data
  • General settings
  • API settings


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