Eway Payment Gateway Eway Payment Gateway

Eway Payment Gateway

Created by: WebAware

Downloaded: 63k times

The Eway Payment Gateway adds integrations for the Eway credit card payment gateway through Rapid API Direct Payments. These plugins are supported:

Looking for a Gravity Forms integration? Try Gravity Forms Eway.


  • card holder’s name can be different to the purchaser’s name
  • basic data validation performed before submitting to Eway
  • Eway transaction ID and bank authcode are recorded for successful payments
  • supports Authorize (PreAuth) for drop-ship merchants / delayed billing
  • supports Beagle anti-fraud measures (for supporting plugins)
  • it’s free!


  • you need to install one of the ecommerce plugins listed above
  • you need an SSL/TLS certificate for your hosting account
  • you need an account with Eway Australia
  • this plugin uses Eway’s Rapid API Direct Payments, and does not support Eway’s Responsive Shared Page


Many thanks to the generous efforts of our translators:

If you’d like to help out by translating this plugin, please sign up for an account and dig in.


Thanks for sponsoring new features for Eway Payment Gateway!


Information gathered for processing a credit card transaction is transmitted to Eway for processing, and in turn, Eway passes that information on to your bank. Please review Eway’s Privacy Policy for information about how that affects your website’s privacy policy. By using this plugin, you are agreeing to the terms of use for Eway.


  • WP eCommerce payments settings
  • WP eCommerce Sales Log with transaction ID and authcode
  • WooCommerce payments settings
  • WooCommerce order details with transaction ID and authcode
  • Events Manager payments settings
  • Events Manager transactions with transaction ID and authcode
  • Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin payments settings
  • Event Espresso 4 payments settings


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