iThemes Exchange – Product Importer iThemes Exchange – Product Importer

iThemes Exchange – Product Importer

Created by: Visser Labs

Downloaded: 2k times

Import new Products into your iThemes Exchange store from simple formatted files (e.g. CSV, TXT, etc.).


  • Import new Products
  • Delete existing Products by SKU or Product Name
  • Import from CSV file
  • Generate and link new Categories to Products
  • Generate and link new Tags to Products

Supported Product fields include:

  • SKU (via free Add Product SKU add-on) (*)
  • Product Title
  • Description
  • Extended Description
  • Price
  • Product Type
  • Visibility
  • Category
  • Tag
  • Inventory
  • Product Images (**)
  • Purchase Message
  • Product Status
  • Store Order
  • Slug

(*) Add Product SKU add-on can be downloaded for free from
(**) Requires the Pro upgrade to enable additional store import functionality.

Additional import features will be introduced in regular major Plugin updates, minor Plugin updates will address import issues and compatibility with new iThemes Exchange releases.

For more information visit:


  1. Open Exchange > Product Importer
  2. Using the file upload field select your CSV-formatted Product Catalog
  3. Set the matching import field beside each corresponding column in your uploaded CSV file, this is usually selected automatically
  4. Click Import Products
  5. Review the Import Log updated during the live import
  6. Press Finish Import
  7. Review any Products that were skipped during the import
  8. You can now manage Products within iThemes Exchange



If you have any problems, questions or suggestions please raise a support topic on our dedicated iThemes Exchange support forum.


It is not responsible for any harm or wrong doing this Plugin may cause. Users are fully responsible for their own use. This Plugin is to be used WITHOUT warranty.


  • Product Importer is an iThemes Exchange compatible Addon
  • From the Import screen you can upload CSV files for import
  • Link CSV columns to Exchange Product fields and review the Import Options
  • Watch as new Products are populated within your iThemes Exchange store
  • A final review report includes skipped Products with reasons and a detailed import log for re-import


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