Extend Upload

Created by: Gustavo Bordoni

Downloaded: 1k times

I had a problem that most of the time I had to upload a file, and I had to use a HTML upload, and that’s kind of bad, so I created something to use the Thickbox and the WordPress Uploader.

To use you must enqueue in the page used both the style and the script of the plugin:

    wp_enqueue_script( 'extend-upload' );
    wp_enqueue_style( 'extend-upload' );

Then you can use the plugin by calling the jQuery Extends:

(function($) {
    $(document).ready(function () {

And the HTML/PHP output should be something like that:

    $args = array( 
        'url' => admin_url( 'media-upload.php?post_id=0&button=' . rawurlencode('Use as Avatar') . '&TB_iframe=1&width=640&height=253' )
<p class='uc-container'>
    <label><?php echo _e( "Avatar:" ); ?></label><a target='_blank' class='uc-call' data='<?php echo json_encode( $args ); ?>'><small><?php _e( "Upload the Photo" ); ?></small></a>"; ?>
    <input class="uc-answer" type="text" value="<?php echo ( is_numeric( absint( $avatar ) ) ? absint( $avatar ) : esc_url($avatar) ); ?>" />

Having the uc-call for the link, uc-answer with the input field and uc-container for the box with both the link and the input field.

All the stuff is customizable by passing the variables in to the array $args, some stuff must be passed in the url, but later on I will add a easier way to do it.



  • Older version of jQuery allowed and allowing non Image Media to be used


  • Fixed some bugs and added internationalization


  • Added the javascript to change the Insert to Post text on the thickbox


  • Using the the thickbox with the uploader iFrame inside you can call this from any page that has the script enqueued



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