Extended Options Extended Options

Extended Options

Created by: Scott Allan Wallick

Downloaded: 9k times

Extended Options manages certain meta data and content add-ins from within the WordPress dashboard. This plugin adds the capacity for meta data and content added to the footer and head areas to be kept consistent regardless of a theme change or upgrade.

Extended Options is for WordPress 2.6.x and, more specifically, manages following meta links and tweaks:

  • Archive meta links
  • Relationship meta links
  • Favicon meta links (blog and dashboard)
  • OpenID meta links
  • MicroID meta links
  • Geo tag meta links
  • Robots meta links
  • Enabling/disabling author archives
  • Enabling/disabling 404 headers
  • Enforcing www. preference
  • Protocol discovery meta links (Atom, RSD, WLW)
  • Enabling/disabled generator meta link
  • General meta add-in content
  • General comment form add-in content
  • General footer add-in content

While this collection of meta data and tweaks appear random, these are specific modifications I grew tired of making whenever I activated a different theme or upgraded an old one. I needed a plugin to manage these needs that didn’t overlap significantly with other plugins I used.

Special thanks to some awesome code integrated (and possibly modified) with Extended Options.

Thanks to those fellows for providing excellent plugins to the community.


Access the Extended Options menu from Dashboard > Settings > Extended to set the plugin options. To use this plugin, you do not need to edit any theme files or WordPress core files.

Everything this plugin does happens based on settings in the Extended menu. Extended Options does require, however, the following hooks/actions to be present in the certain files of your active theme.

  • wp_head() should be present in your header.php theme file.
  • wp_footer() should be present in your footer.php theme file.
  • do_action( 'comment_form', $post->ID ) should be present in your comments.php theme file.

If your theme files are missing these, please contact the theme author and ask him or her nicely to correct these omissions.


Extended Options, a plugin for WordPress, (C) 2008 by Scott Allan Wallick, is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

Extended Options is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Extended Options is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Extended Options. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


  • Extended Options provides a new menu, Extended under Settings, where you can set the many functions of this plugin.


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