Extra Classes

Created by: Ben Huson

Downloaded: 2k times

Add missing classes

Adds missing classes for selected menu states. Classes added include:

  • current-page-parent and current_page_parent
  • current-page-ancestor and current_page_ancestor
  • current-menu-ancestor
  • current-menu-parent

The classes are added in the following scenarios:

  • When viewing an attachment page classes are added to any parent pages and their menu ancestors.
  • When viewing a post classes are added to any relevant taxonomy menu items and their manu ancestors.

Manage Menu Select States

Allows you to control which menu items should be selected (or deselected) when viewing certain pages of your site. You need to add classes to the menu items for this to work.

  • ecms-archive-{$post_type} – Select menu item when viewing a post type archive page.
  • ecms-single-{$post_type} – Select menu item when viewing a single post type page.
  • ecms-taxonomy-{$taxonomy} – Select menu item when viewing a taxonomy archive.
  • ecms-taxonomy-{$taxonomy}-term-{$term} – Select menu item when viewing a taxonomy term archive.
  • ecms-404 – Select menu item when viewing a 404 page.

  • ecms-no-archive-{$post_type} – Deselect menu item when viewing a post type archive page.

  • ecms-no-single-{$post_type} – Deselect menu item when viewing a single post type page.
  • ecms-no-taxonomy-{$taxonomy} – Deselect menu item when viewing a taxonomy archive.
  • ecms-no-taxonomy-{$taxonomy}-term-{$term} – Deselect menu item when viewing a taxonomy term archive.
  • ecms-no-404 – Deselect menu item when viewing a 404 page.



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