ExtraShield ExtraShield


Created by: Amr M. ElHalawany

Downloaded: 2k times

In a nutshell, ExtraShield is a FREE mobile application, which generates a unique 6 digit number called the “Security Code“.
Every 50 seconds a new “Security Code” is generated on your mobile phone, this code will be used to log in to your wordpress account according to your “WordPress Login Mode” set in your profile page.

To use this cool feature, all you have to do is :

  • [1] Install the FREE ExtraShield mobile application.
    “Only available for Java enabled phones (Nokia, Samsung .. etc.), no iphone or android versions yet.”

    Using your mobile phone, go to http://wap.extrashield.com and download the ExtraShield application to your phone, run the application and follow the on-screen instructions.

    Choose New, Then choose a 4 digits PIN code, which will be used to open the application on your mobile phone. Now, the application will communicate with the server and register a new ExtraShield Mobile ID for you, something like (XTSH27197262).

  • [2] Install This Plugin 🙂 .

  • [3] Let the plugin know your new assigned ExtraShield Mobile ID.

    Remember the ExtraShield Mobile ID we got from step 1 ?! .. now go to your “Profile” page and add your new ExtraShield Mobile ID, choose your preferred “WordPress Login Mode” and Press “Update User“.

    Voila! you are done .. Enjoy!

Remember, The ExtraShield system is currently in beta, so feedback is highly encouraged .. For questions, feedback, ideas or support please contact : support@extrashield.com


Since Version 0.7, the plugin will attempt to register itself with the ExtraShield Authentication Servers during initial activation, eliminating the need for manual registration.

NO identifiable information is ever sent during the automated registration process, just an md5 hash of the following md5($_SERVER[‘SERVER_ADDR’].md5(rand(10000000, 99999999)))


After installing the plugin and the ExtraShield mobile application on your mobile phone, the plugin gives you 3 “WordPress Login Modes” :

  • Login using your Password AND Mobile Security Code. [Recommended]

    In this mode, you need to enter your UserName, Password and the Mobile Security Code generated on your mobile phone to access your WordPress account.

    This means, for anyone else to access your account, he/she needs to know your WordPress account UserName, Password and be able to access the ExtraShield Application installed on YOUR mobile phone to get a valid Mobile Security Code .. Pretty hard, right !

  • Login using your Password OR Mobile Security Code.

    In this mode, you need to enter your UserName and either your Password or Mobile Security Code generated on your mobile phone to access your WordPress account.

    This mode is useful if you occasionally need to access your WordPress account from insecure/public places. For example, at an internet cafe you may access your account using the Mobile Security Code instead of your password, thus eliminating the risk of your password being hijacked by Trojans or Viruses, and when you are back at home or a secure environment, you may use your normal password again .. It’s all about choices !

  • Login using Mobile Security Code only.

    In this mode, you only need to enter your UserName and the Mobile Security Code generated on your mobile phone to access your WordPress account.

    If you don’t want to remember a password, this mode is for you !

Just choose your preferred “WordPress Login Mode” and Press “Update User” .. That’s it!


  • Installing the ExtraShield Mobile Application on your mobile.
  • WordPress Login Mode 1, Login using your Password <strong>AND</strong> Mobile Security Code. [Recommended]
  • WordPress Login Mode 2, Login using your Password <strong>OR</strong> Mobile Security Code.
  • WordPress Login Mode 3, Login using Mobile Security Code only.


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