ez_simple_tweet ez_simple_tweet


Created by: Eric Zeidan

Downloaded: 671 times

Generates a Simple Last Tweet Text or more tweets you can Place anywhere on your site with your own styles, uses Shortcode, a Widget and a PHP class that return an array of tweet’s data

Major features in ez_simple_tweet include:

  • Connect with Twitter 1.1 Api.
  • Use a shorcode to put a simple last tweet inside your post.
  • Use a Widget to put one or more tweets on a widget with your own style.
  • Use a class to generate an Array with all the tweets for you to deploy as your want.

PS: You’ll need to set an id and secret pass on Twitter’s API, just go to this web site and create an application https://apps.twitter.com/


  • Enter in Twitter app and create an application.
  • Once you create your app, you will get the Keys.
  • Generate an access token and copy the token keys.
  • Enter your keys inside the admin page.
  • This is how you will see your last tweet using the shortcode inside a post.
  • This is the last tweet showing it in the widget.


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