Fast Tube Fast Tube

Fast Tube

Created by: Casper

Downloaded: 27k times

Fast and easy way to insert videos from YouTube right into your WordPress blog posts or pages. It doesn’t matter if you paste the whole YouTube video URL or just the video ID… Surround it by square brackets and Fast Tube will do the job. The plugin also checks if the video ID is valid so don’t worry if you have similar information on your posts or pages – it won’t be lost, hidden or removed.

YouTubers watch out! Fast Tube 2.3 is here!


  • NEW VIDEO GALLERY for browsing your videos!
  • NEW TOP-LEVEL Administration Menu!
  • Fast Tube ThumbView with 10 added skins.
  • Options page full of nice settings.
  • Same old fast and easy video inserting method.
  • Database optimized: ALL options -> ONE single record.
  • Future version ideas.

Check out the screenshots! 2 more added!

Go to Other Notes for: Usage, Advanced Usage and Changelog.


  1. Visit and play some video.
  2. Copy the video URL and insert it in post or page, surrounded by square brackets – [URL]
  3. You can insert as many as you like in the same post or page.

Advanced Usage

Ok, the easiest way is to copy some video URL and to put it right into your post or page, surrounded by square brackets. But all the variations will work as well…

  • []
  • []
  • []
  • []
  • []
  • [watch?v=gOAra5f0qlk]
  • [v=gOAra5f0qlk]
  • [gOAra5f0qlk]
  • [] will work too!


  • Simple example of how your post should look with some added videos.
  • Fast Tube Video Options page, since Fast Tube 2.0.
  • Fast Tube ThumbView Skins.
  • Top-Level Administration Menu.
  • Fast Tube Video Gallery page, since Fast Tube 2.3.


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