FastCGI Cache Purge and Preload for Nginx FastCGI Cache Purge and Preload for Nginx

FastCGI Cache Purge and Preload for Nginx

Created by: Hasan ร‡ALIลžIR

Downloaded: 604 times

This plugin allows WordPress users to manage Nginx Cache Purge and Preload operations directly from the WordPress admin dashboard, enhancing website performance and caching efficiency.


Please read the full description (What you need?) and FAQ for fully functional Nginx cache purge and preload actions provided by this plugin:


๐Ÿš€Purge All Nginx Cache: Completely clear all cached data stored by Nginx.
๐Ÿš€Preload All Nginx Cache: Populate the Nginx cache with the most recent data for the entire website.
๐Ÿš€Auto Preload Nginx Cache: Automatically preload the cache after purging, ensuring fast page load times by caching content proactively. This feature is triggered when Auto Purge is enabled for a single POST/PAGE or when the Purge All cache action is used.
๐Ÿš€Auto Purge Nginx Cache: Automatically purges the cached version of a POST/PAGE whenever it is updated, when new comments are approved, or when the comment status is changed. Additionally, if the Auto Preload option is enabled, the cache for this POST/PAGE will be automatically preloaded after the cached version is purged by Auto Purge.
๐Ÿš€Schedule Cache Purge & Preload via WP Cron: Automate the purge and preload process using WordPress Cron jobs.
๐Ÿš€Remote Nginx Cache Purge & Preload via REST API: Remotely trigger cache purging and preloading through REST API endpoints.
๐Ÿš€Manual Nginx Cache Purge & Preload: Allow manual purging and preloading of cache through the table view in Advanced Tab.
๐Ÿš€On-Page Nginx Cache Purge & Preload: Manually purge and preload Nginx cache for the currently visited page directly from the frontend.
๐Ÿš€Optimized Nginx Cache Preload: Enhance Nginx cache preload performance with options to limit CPU usage, exclude endpoints, wait retrievals and rate limiting.
๐Ÿš€Monitor Plugin and Nginx Cache Status: Monitor plugin status, cache status, and Nginx status from the Status tab.
๐Ÿš€User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-use AJAX-powered settings, integrated into the WordPress admin bar for quick access.
๐Ÿš€Admin Notices and Logs: Receive handy notifications and view logs for plugin status and all cache-related actions within the WordPress admin area.
๐Ÿš€Email Notifications: Receive email alerts upon completion of preload actions, with customizable templates to suit your needs.

What you need?

Technical Difficulties:

In properly configured Nginx servers, it is not strictly necessary to have separate PHP-FPM-USER (as a known WEBSITE-USER or PHP process owner) and WEBSERVER-USER (commonly, nginx or www-data), but there are scenarios where separating these users can enhance security and performance. Although this configuration is recommended as a standard, It leads to difficulties in purging and preloading the cache by the PHP process owner. When the PHP-FPM-USER and WEBSERVER-USER are different, the PHP process owner may not have the necessary permissions to manage cache files created by the WEBSERVER-USER, as the PHP process owner may be unable to read, write, or delete cache files owned by the WEBSERVER-USER.

Proposed Solution by NPP:

In case your current Nginx web server setup involves two distinct users, WEBSERVER-USER and PHP-FPM-USER, the solution proposed by NPP involves combining Linux server side tools inotifywait with setfacl to automatically grant read/write permissions to the PHP-FPM-USER for the corresponding Nginx Cache Paths (owned by WEBSERVER-USER), facilitated by server-side bash scripting. Users need to manage inotifywait and setfacl operations manually or use the provided below one liner basic automation bash script for fully functional purge and preload actions provided by this plugin.

bash <(curl -Ss

**More in-depth Information””


This plugin is developed and maintained by Hasan ร‡ALIลžIR.


For support and assistance, please contact Hasan ร‡ALIลžIR at


This plugin is licensed under the GPLv2 or later.For more information, visit the plugin development page: FastCGI Cache Purge and Preload for Nginx


  • Settings Tab Purge
  • Settings Tab Preload
  • Settings Tab Schedule
  • Settings Tab Mail &amp; Logging
  • Status Tab
  • Advanced Tab
  • Help Tab
  • Front-end Admin Bar


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