Plugin Name: FusionCharts for WordPress Plugin Name: FusionCharts for WordPress

Plugin Name: FusionCharts for WordPress

Created by: Sahasrangshu Guha

Downloaded: 2k times

FusionCharts is a software service provider creating data visualization products. Its flagship product, FusionCharts Suite XT, is a comprehensive JavaScript-based charting solution that focuses on easing the process of data visualization through charts. With over 90 charts and 1000 maps, FusionCharts Suite XT covers a wide range of data visualization requirements. The product includes standard charts, like the column chart, bar chart, line chart, as well as advanced charts like the treemap, heatmap, waterfall chart, radar chart, and so on. (To know more, take a look at the complete list of charts and maps in FusionCharts Suite XT.)
The FusionCharts for WordPress plugin lets you embed awesome-looking JavaScript charts in your WordPress page or post.

Usage guide

  1. In the editor, click the Add Chart button (as shown in Image 1 in the Screenshots section).

    You will be given a form to fill up the basic chart settings for FusionCharts (as shown in Image 2 in the Screenshots section).

    Note: Default values are already populated in the form fields, including sample JSON data to create a basic column 2D chart. For more chart samples, click here.

  2. Click the PREVIEW THE CHART button (in the bottom-left corner of Image 2 in the Screenshots section) to preview the chart before embedding it in your post/page (preview for the sample chart is in Image 3 in the Screenshots section).

    Note: If there is error in chart data, the preview is not shown.

  3. If you need to change the chart settings, click BACK TO SETTINGS (refer Image 3 in the Screenshots section) to go back to the form with the settings.

  4. Make the required changes to the chart settings and preview the chart again.

  5. If everything looks good, click EMBED THIS CHART (refer Image 3 in the Screenshots section).

  6. Click Publish (for a new post)/Update (for a modified post) to view the page/post (the final output for the sample chart is shown in Image 5 in the Screenshots section).


This plugin is and always will be free for use. Reach out to us at for your suggestions to help us to improve or with regard to any issues that you are facing.


  • <strong>Image 1</strong>: The <strong>Add Chart</strong> besides the Add Media Button before the WYSIWYG editor, the first step in embedding a FusionCharts Suite XT chart in your page
  • <strong>Image 2</strong>: The chart settings form
  • <strong>Image 3</strong>: The preview of the chart, as specified in the chart settings form
  • <strong>Image 4</strong>: The published post


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