Featured Image Extended Featured Image Extended

Featured Image Extended

Created by: Enrico Sorcinelli

Downloaded: 915 times

Feature Image Extended extends featured image functionality allowing:

  • Hiding featured image in your themes for all post types.
  • Adding link to the featured image.
  • Adding thumbnail featured image in administration screens listing.
  • Featured image quick-editing.


Once the plugin is installed you can control settings in the following ways:

  • Programmatically by using featured_image_extended_settings filter (see below).
  • Using the Settings->Featured Image Extended administration screen.

If your theme uses a different call other than the_post_thumbnail()/get_the_post_thumbnail() in order to get the featured image, this plugin might not work.
So, in order to get extended featured image settings and apply to your pages, you should use featured_image_extended() (see below).


featured_image_extended( integer $post_id = null )

It returns an array containing featured image extended information of $post_id post (or current post if you don’t supply an argument) like following:

    'show'   => true,
    'url'    => 'https://myurl.com',
    'target' => '_blank',
    'title'  => 'Image title',



Filter plugin settings values.

apply_filters( 'featured_image_extended_settings', array $settings )


Filter allowing to display or not the plugin settings page in the administration.

apply_filters( 'featured_image_extended_admin_settings', boolean $display )


  • The Featured image metabox in action.
  • The administration post list with featured image.
  • The plugin settings page.


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