Featured Image with URL :

Featured Image with URL allows to use an external URL Images as Featured Image for your post, page & custom post types like WooCommerce Product. Includes support for Product Gallery (WooCommerce). So, using this plugin you can easily set featured image from url.


  • Set Featured image by URL for all post types including custom post types.
  • WooCommerce Product Gallery by URLs.
  • Image from URL for WooCommerce Product variation.
  • Display Resized Images as per image sizes like “thumbnail”, “medium” or any custom-size
  • Lightweight & Easy to use


This plugin based on the initial fork of Featured Image by URL plugin. Thanks to the plugin author for the awesome work.


  • You can contribute to development of the plugin on Github.
  • If you have found a bug/issue or have a feature request, then create issue on Github.
  • Want to add a new language to Featured Image with URL? Swell! You can contribute via translate.wordpress.org.

1.0.2 – 2020-08-25

  • Added: Update plugin assets GitHub action workflow.
  • Changed: Bump WordPress “tested up to” version 6.6
  • Changed: Bump WooCommerce “tested up to” version 9.2


  • Added: Backward compatibility for the “Featured Image by URL” plugin.


  • Initial Version.


  • Fill the URL field with the External Image URL and click the Preview button.
  • The image will be displayed there.
  • WooCommerce Product Featured Image by External URL & Product Gallery from External URLs.
  • Front-end view of the WooCommerce Product page, which utilizes the Featured Image with URL.
  • Settings page (Settings > Featured Image with URL).


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