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Created by: Dus

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\f0\fs24 \cf0 === Plugin Name ===\
Contributors: Dustin Roberts\
Plugin Name: Featured Widget\
Plugin URI: http://southsidesaloonandbistro.com\
Tags: featured, widget, image, picture, front page\
Author URI: http://dusretouch.com\
Author: Dustin Roberts\
Donate link: http://dusretouch.com/donate.html\
Requires at least: 3.2.1\
Tested up to: 3.2.1\
Stable tag: 1.0\
Version: 1.0\

Description ==\

This wordpress plugin gives you the ability to list a “featured” image with a link on your blog/page.\
Use it to link to a post or page you would like to feature.\
Have a promotion going on? Link it to your front page with a snazzy picture.\

Installation ==\

Unzip and install or us automatic install.\
Be sure to set the widget title. I use “Featured”, but it is up to you.\

Upgrade Notice ==\

none as of yet\

Screenshots ==\

1. The admin screen view of the plugin.\

Changelog ==\

Version 1.0 – First Release\

Frequently Asked Questions ==\

Q. How do I insert an image from my WordPress Library?\
A. Just click on the image within you library to get the link and copy and paste it.\

Donations ==\

Thank you if you donate. If you don’t, thank you anyway.\



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